- Lawrence Fishburne Internet Meme on "Reddit"
In this world there are two kinds of people, victors and victims. The victor takes what he wants. The victim gives it up, whether he wants to or not. Hitler once said that right and wrong have no meaning -- only victory matters. He is right. It doesn't matter if you are on the side of the angels when you lose and the other guy is evil, rapes and pillages. He won. That's all that counts. He can write up the history any way he wants. Or, he can force the victim to write up history any way the victor wants it to read. What's the victim going to do? Cry? Someone once said that the tiger never loses sleep over the opinion of sheep. And why should he? He is their lord and master. They die so he can eat. They lose so he can succeed. Play for the cat is death for the mouse. Such is the way of life. Such is the way of love.
Let's face the facts...when
it comes to romance or love, everyone wants what they want but at the end of
the day when the good looking “bad” guy comes along the bad looking “good” guy
ALWAYS gets thrown under the bus. Women talk a good game when they ask "where are all the NICE guys" but other than fat
women who will take anything they can get because very few people really want
them anyway, women seek money or looks or attitude when it comes to romance -- good values, or "niceness" come in
close to the bottom of the barrel. Women always CLAIM that they want the
“good” or the "nice" guy but it's almost never about being good or nice. Good guys ALWAYS finish
last. And Of COURSE the good guys finish last... it's part of the evolutionary
cycle. As I mentioned earlier, in life there are Victors and there are Victims. Bad guys are the Victors. Good guys are the Victims. Good guys are weak. Bad
guys are strong. At least that's the perception of them by women and how women are wired. They
MUST be with the strong man because their wiring demands it. In the "caveman days" the stronger man was the surer bet when it came to survival. It didn't matter if he beat you or starved you or ignored you -- all those things were better than being dead. So the woman would gravitate to the strong.
Even when women
KNOW it’s a mistake, they’ll make that same mistake over and over and over
again. The strong bad guy doesn’t even have to be that strong physically. He doesn't even have to be that good looking. Women equate
mean-ness, abuse and contempt with strength. They equate manners, deference,
kindness and consideration with weakness. How many times have you seen an attractive woman with an ugly, abusive man and asked yourself, "Why?" Perhaps it's because he has the confidence to treat her like dirt. Throughout her life she has endured a lifetime of toadying, scheming, sycophantic weaklings trying to get into her pants, and then she meets a guy who acts as if she's a dishrag. Unless he were really strong, why would he do that? If he is really strong, then she is attracted to him. The more he denigrates her, the stronger he appears and the more she wants him, even through her tears of pain and humiliation.
Now it is true that everyone wants the
"good" guy around because he makes society work, but women,
especially attractive women ALWAYS want to be with the strong bad man. Good
guys are no competition for bad guys. Good guys are losers. Good guys are
victims. They do the work of slaves or as slaves. Bad guys reap the rewards. To
truly succeed in life, if you want something, you don't ask – you take it.
Whether it's a kiss, a promotion, twenty dollars left on the counter or your
friend's wife, TAKE IT. Good guys are losers. Bad guys get laid. The good guy
helps his girl "friend" (who he wants really badly) move her refrigerator. He gets a pizza. The bad guy comes when the
job is done. He gets the blowjob.
And when a woman ditches the good guy and says
she “hopes we can still be friends”, it is the consolation prize for suckers.
In this case, if the good guy is foolish enough to accept that kind of
friendship in the forlorn hope he can convince her that he’s worth it, what he
gets to experience is the pain and humiliation of doing all the work while
watching the bad guy get everything that the good guy wanted and seeing her
give the bad guy everything the good guy deserved.
Get used to it.
The movies
and books may show it working out differently with the good guy somehow winning
but real life is NEVER like this. EVER. If you can’t change the power equation
so that you are MUCH stronger than she is, or at least perceived to be stronger than the
competition, then you have no choice but to cut your losses and move on to
stamp collecting and jerking off. Or settling for the fat bitch. You will not win this kind of war EVER. And
make no mistake, it is indeed a war – a desperate, bitter war. If you want to
win with a woman, any woman, then treat her like shit. It will work far more
often than treating her well. The trick is to learn to match the correct level
of abuse with her level of esteem. All women suffer low self esteem, but the
lower it is, the worse you can treat them and the worse you treat them, the
more they will love you. It is just as
Al Pacino said in “Scarface” – “First you get the money, then you get the
power, and then you get the pussy.” It’s
been this way forever. It will be this way forever.
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