Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Aurora and Gun Control

All the people from both sides screaming "gun control" or "2nd Amendment" are wrong.
The issue is not about the government taking guns away from us. I don't think that is going to happen.

The issue is basic licensing and rudimentary reporting. Gun people are terrified of a national gun ID. They think it will be used by the government to eventually hunt them down and round up their guns. So be it. No national ID.

But there SHOULD be uniform standards for gun permitting. In Florida it is easier for a convicted felon to get a gun permit than it is for a Black man to register to vote Democrat. I am not even joking..

The different standards for gun ownership are so loose that its crazy. In Arizona all you need is a license. In Mass. you need to go through a complex formula. Gun people are afraid permitting will be so the police can arbitrarily deny the permit.

It would be better if all the states had the same mechanism, one that required fingerprints, training, background check and references. There would be no approve/deny. It would be an automatic yes. But at least there would be some kind of check. It does not have to be monitored by the Federal government, they would just make the standards and hand them to the state. And it would be automatic approval unless there was a red flag.

Statistical analysis of gun sales was made illegal by George W. Bush. For example, it was discovered that something like 70 percent of all the guns used in crimes in NYC came from a single store in Altanta, Georgia. Don't you think this warrants an investigation? The Bush Administration made collection of that data and sharing it illegal. Why? Wouldn't it be helpful to know WHO is supplying the guns? That store in Atlanta is STILL supplying the guns criminals in NYC need. Bush made it impossible to investigate them.

Guns all make a signature when they shoot. Every barrel is unique. It seems only common sense to "fingerprint" the ID of every gun when it is made. Yet that is illegal. Why? Most gun crimes could be solved in minutes if this were done.

Without getting into "Fast and Furious" debate, the issue there is that an 18 year old can make alot of money going into a gun store, buy 50 AK47s and give/sell them to a guy in the parking lot. The only thing to stop him is a check box on a blue form that makes you swear you aren't a strawman buyer. Those forms are never back-checked again and the police have no authority to go to the buyer and say, "show me those 50 guns". There is no teeth to the law. The form means nothing.

It's not the buying and selling of guns that's the issue, although it is something we should discuss -- it is now legal for Americans to own the M134 Mini Gun, that shoots 5000 rounds a minute. Imagine John Holmes showing up at the theater with that strapped to his Jeep. He could have killed everyone in the theater -- shooting through the walls -- in less than a minute. But that's another issue. The issue is how we track guns and use statistics.

Some moron said that people carrying a gun are more trained and prepared than a bad guy with a knife. That is bullshit. The very vast majority of people carrying a gun in their pants or purse have absolutely no conception what they are doing. This can EASILY be proven by comparing the number of guns purchased to the number of people registered for gun training classes. Confronted by a knife wielding criminal, one who is has experience robbing people and carrying a knife, those people will almost never get their gun into action before they've been stabbed 5 times. Unless you practice, unless you train FREQUENTLY, you can't get the gun out of your purse, pull it out from behind your jacket or get it out of your under the waist holster faster than the criminal can stab you. You are going to lose. He does this all the time. You get robbed once. He's ready. You're surprised. And then -- in the event you get your Glock out and start blazing -- what are you going to do if you miss and kill some innocent person behind him? A child? Unlike TV bullets don't evaporate when they miss their target. They go for about a mile unless they hit something. And yet there is no requirement to train to own a gun.

Gun people point to all kinds of ineptness by the police and their ability to catch criminals. Yet when it comes to gun siezure the government is somehow all knowing and all powerful and evil. And the government is inept when it comes to gun crimes -- the NRA has made sure of it by tripping up every rational and reasonable mechanism a law enforcement agency would use to track a killer.

Last year 15 Americans were killed by Arab or Muslim terrorists.
31,500 Americans were killed by guns. And yet we are unable to do anything at all to reduce that number. The NRA and the gun people won't let it happen.

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